lol - have you seen the attendants?!? I wouldn't be scared away by having a bunch of overgrown man-child's standing by the entrances. They aren't armed, they aren't trained, they aren't authorized to use force. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen if they start shit with someone.
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Major changes to convention security beginning in 2017
by Edison Trent inshort info on interesting changes to the major conventions this year: there will be a new security concept that will be implemented at all regional conventions in 2017.. similar to other major events (e.g.
festivals, concerts), there will be admittance controls in stadiums.. - at each entrance, there will be a massive presence of attendants that look at each visitor.. - there will be pocket checks at the entrance.. - suspicious persons are no longer left on the convention grounds.. - suppliers to the stadium will be intensively inspected by attendants.. - there will be a special sign for attendants that must enter the stadium before 7.30 am.
all others (even all attendants) can only enter after 7.30 am..
Jehovah's Witnesses: DO THEY FACE REALITY
by TerryWalstrom inarticle
1.the organization itself denies access to reality and substitutes its own version, interpretations, and meanings.
a.only watchtower approved publications are allowed.
just fine
Leave then alone, it could be worse?
ummmm no. I will not "leave them alone". Maybe if they left other people alone, who only wanted to leave their stupid cult, I would be more inclined to.
The Ultimate Conversion
by Etude inone thing that surprised me shortly after joining this site was the number of individuals who, after experiencing the deception of being a jw and the hypocrisy of the “truth”, switched to being catholic or “born-again” evangelists.
it seemed to me like jumping from the hot pan into the fire.. i don’t want to piss anyone off for his or her choices.
i feel everyone is free to believe what they may.
just fine
DY - your reasoning is ridiculous. Did you ever consider that some people cannot cope with leaving the cult and it taints every part of their life. They can't function in society because of the treatment and mind control in the cult.
Met JWs today - they lied about who they were
by Xanthippe inso a couple came into the library where i work today and the woman said she was from the british sign language association and asked if i would display a leaflet for her.
when she handed me the leaflet the jw website logo jumped out at me as did the words 'would you like to study the bible with jehovah's witnesses?
' there was a small picture that had someone conversing in sign language but the other pictures were typical jw leaflet pictures.
just fine
Ruby - you go around picking fights and then try to play the victim when someone challenges you. Your " take my toys and go home" attitude is tiring.
Guys ... Be honest here ... Do you ever Pee in the bathroom sink
by RubaDub inlast month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
just fine
Met JWs today - they lied about who they were
by Xanthippe inso a couple came into the library where i work today and the woman said she was from the british sign language association and asked if i would display a leaflet for her.
when she handed me the leaflet the jw website logo jumped out at me as did the words 'would you like to study the bible with jehovah's witnesses?
' there was a small picture that had someone conversing in sign language but the other pictures were typical jw leaflet pictures.
just fine
You were at work you have to play by the rules, at least you made sure some vulnerable person isn't going to get roped into this. Whenever I see the literature anywhere I take it and rip it up and put it in the trash. Most of the time I do it quietly so as not to make a scene.
I have had a chance to share information about the Witnesses with the three local law enforcement agencies (city, county, state) because the Witnesses kept leaving literature in the local government buildings. That won't happen anymore. 😀
Would You EVER Go Back To Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini could never understand why some people who know the truth about the "truth" ever go back.
once you understand all the hypocrisy and negatives, i would think it's almost impossible to go back!.
just fine
I could never go back. I have seen and learned too much to ever be influenced by any of them. Once you see how it is all lies and manipulation, it doesn't work on you anymore.
Sleep Habits
by snowbird inthis thread is inspired by a beloved poster who said he managed to sleep all through yesternight.. how about you, do you sleep through the night?.
each morning, around 2 am, it's as if a hand shakes me awake.. i became accustomed to arising at that time to take care of my semi-invalid mother.. she passed nearly 12 years ago, but my body?
just fine
I very rarely have trouble sleeping. At home I get into bed and am out in a few minutes.
I travel a lot for work too and usually sleep well at hotels too. On my last trip the rest of my traveling companions were awakened every night by a train, I didn't hear anything.
i do sleep with a fan on at home and in hotels put the fan on continuous run.
just fine
I hope it gets figured out however it needs to. The ACA made the premiums skyrocket at work and limited coverage.
19 Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor in
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
just fine
Adults can help apply pressure and further indoctrinate children. This allows the child to feel pressure and guilt from more than just their family, further isolating them. It also takes away the chance that another youth could influence their peers in bad conduct. Not a good thing.......